Tracks quiz conversion events ##Example
ConstructorIo.trackQuizConversion("coffee-quiz", "23AECMA-1EFKCI", "34NCUIEI-214CDN", null, null, null, "shirt-a", "shirt-a--reg", "White shirt", null, "129.99", null)
The quiz id
Version identifier for the quiz. version ID will be returned in quiz request responses
Session identifier for the quiz. session ID will be returned in quiz request responses
Display name for the conversion event. This display name will be shown on the dashboard in the future. Required if isCustomType is true.
Type of conversion event. Defaults to add_to_cart if not specified
Specifies if the conversion type is a custom event
The item identifier of the clicked item i.e "PUMP-KAB-0002"
The variation item identifier of the clicked item
The item name of the clicked item i.e "Jacket Denim"
The section that the results came from, i.e. "Products"
The revenue of the item converted
Additional analytics tags to pass